Quick Start Guide
This document gives a quick overview of the ScaleGrid Enterprise Server installation process. If you would like to use the advanced installation options, please check the Controller Installation document instead.
Step 1: Ensure prerequisites are met
You will need at least 16GB of RAM and 120GB of free disk space (on the root volume) for the installation. Please review the Prerequisites document to ensure all the prerequisites are met. Also make sure you have all the input data handy (Public IP, DNS details, SMTP details etc) before you start the installation
Step 2: Install
Install the latest ScaleGrid Enterprise Server:
wget <download-link> # Please contact ScaleGrid support for the download link.
unzip scalegrid_installer_x.y.z.zip
chmod u+x scalegrid-installer.sh
./scalegrid-installer.sh # Append `--standalone` if doing an one-node install
The setup script will prompt for the Private IP(s) of all participating nodes (not required for standalone installation), Public IP(s) if any, mail server details and AWS Route53 configuration.
Note: ScaleGrid Enterprise Server relies on a MySQL server as a data repository for the clusters it manages and an Apache server for the web UI. If you have an existing MySQL or Apache server, you will be prompted to uninstall it.
Multi-node HA Installation
If you are performing a multi-node installation, password-less SSH must be configured between the nodes, and the private key(s) must be set up in ~/.ssh/config. Please check the Pre-Requisites document for more details.
Step 3: Change administrator password and enable 2 Factor Authentication
Point your web browser to https://<ip-entry-point> and log-in with the username and password that was shown at the end of installation. This user is the root user and is used only for administrative purposes (support, gathering logs, upload logs etc). This user cannot deploy any clusters.
Once you have logged in, please change your password and enable Two-Factor Authentication (this is required for filing support tickets with ScaleGrid). To enable 2FA, navigate to the Settings -> Users -> Two Factor Auth tab to enable two factor authentication for your setup. This is required to access the support console with ScaleGrid (filing tickets, upload logs etc)
Enabling 2 Factor Authentication.
Step 4: Create end user account
Logout from your root account and point your browser to https:///users/register. This will present a dialog box to create a user with username and password. Once signed up, you can use this user to create database clusters. Each account is isolated and the user of one account has no visibility into the clusters in another account. You can create as many accounts as you need to segment the administration of your clusters. E.g. You can create one account to administer your MongoDB® server and another account for your Redis™* servers.
Step 5: Create a new cloud profile to bring your own cloud account
Create a new cloud profile to bring your own Azure, Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform account on ScaleGrid Enterprise Server.
For detailed instructions, take a look at how to setup AWS EC2 Cloud Profile | Azure (ARM) Cloud Profile | GCP Cloud Profile | DigitalOcean Cloud Profile | Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Cloud Profile.
Step 6: Create a database cluster
Create a new database cluster or import an existing database server/cluster into ScaleGrid Enterprise Server. Take a look at Create a MongoDB® Cluster | Create a Redis™ Cluster | Create a MySQL Deployment | Create a PostgreSQL Deployment
* Redis is a trademark of Redis Labs Ltd. Any rights therein are reserved to Redis Labs Ltd. Any use by ScaleGrid is for referential purposes only and does not indicate any sponsorship, endorsement or affiliation between Redis and ScaleGrid.
Updated 5 months ago