Connect Using Mongo Shell
Learn how to connect to MongoDB® from the command line syntax and MongoDB® web shell.
At ScaleGrid, MongoDB® clusters are accessible via the command line interface (CLI). The mongo shell is the JS CLI to MongoDB.
The ScaleGrid for MongoDB® Web Shell
We provide a web interface for the mongo shell via the Admin tab on the ScaleGrid console. The ScaleGrid for MongoDB® web shell is a limited version of the mongo console.
Get the Mongo Shell
SSH Access
The mongo shell is also available on the instances that your database cluster is hosted on. If you have SSH access to the underlying instances, you can access the mongo shell available on them.
Download and install the mongo shell for the platform you want to connect to the MongoDB® server from.
mongodump & mongorestore
mongodump, mongorestore and other binaries are important MongoDB® utilities. They are accessed from the operation system CLI and need to be installed like the Mongo shell. These utilities are not available on the ScaleGrid for MongoDB® web shell.
Connect Using the Mongo Shell
You will need the following to be able to connect using the CLI:
- User credentials. Follow the steps here to create a user if you haven't already created one.
- For SSL-enabled clusters, you will also need the SSL CA certificate file. It is available on the cluster details page under the overview tab. Download and save the file.
The command line syntax for connecting to the admin database using the admin user credentials is provided on the ScaleGrid console under the Overview tab:

Here's where you find your command line syntax on the Cluster Details page
In general, the command line syntax is built in the following format:
mongo -u [username] -p [password] [host1:port]/[db]
Here's an example of a Connection String for a replica set without SSL enabled. In this example, we use the credentials of user 'testuser' to connect to the database 'test'.
mongo -u testuser -p <password>
Here's an example of a Connection String for the primary of a replica set with SSL:
mongo -u testuser -p <password> --ssl --sslCAFile <path/to/file.crt>
The SSL CA certificate file pointed to in thesslCAFile
argument above is the SSL CA certificate file.
Updated 5 months ago