Controller Upgrade

Upgrade is a simple two-step process. You will need to contact to obtain the upgrade script. Once you have the URL,

Step-1: Validate that there are no users' jobs running in the system (for example, backup, compact etc).

You can determine this by logging into your console and looking in the 'Jobs' tab. If you see a job in 'Running' state please wait till the job is complete

Note - Typically backup jobs run a few minutes after the hour.


A 'Create Cluster' job is running for the user

Step-2 Run the following commands.

wget <url-shared-by-scalegrid-support>
    unzip  scalegrid_upgrade_from_<old-version>_to_<new-version>.zip
    chmod u+x ./
    ./ # This script needs password less sudo access to be configured

The upgrade script does not require any user input. In case of any failure you will see an error message on your terminal, with a request to contact ScaleGrid support.


Upgrade failure output.

In case of success the script will print this message instead


Upgrade success output