Setup a Zadara Cloud Profile

Step 1: Enter API Key and Endpoint

Getting the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key**

In the Zadara Console Home page, click Access Keys in the "My Profile And Security" section.

Then, create an access key by clicking Create.

Getting EC2 Endpoint

The EC2 Endpoint can be found by clicking the question mark in the top right corner.

Click API Endpoints, and you will see the following. Copy the EC2 endpoint and put it in the field EC2 Endpoint.

Step 2: Select VPC, Subnet, and Security Group Info

Typically, the default VPC, Subnet, and Security Group that comes with the Zadara account should work fine.

Step 3: Input S3 object storage information for backup file storage

Getting S3 Access Key and Secret Key

In the Zadara Object Storage console, click the login name in the top right corner. The Account Information page will show. Copy the S3 Access Key, S3 Secret Key, and Public API Endpoint. Please be reminded to append https:// to the front of the Endpoint.

Getting S3 Bucket Name

In the Console, Add a container:

This Container Name is the S3 bucket name.

Step 4 Give a name to the Cloud Profile

Give a name to this cloud profile. Then click Create.